

it’s time to get creative


About SoilGluTM

SoilGluTM is a versatile water-based polymer soil stabiliser. SoilGluTM, also known as GluonTM, is the same formulated product focused on different market sectors. Once SoilGluTM sets, the product does not soften. The product is non-hazardous, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly.

What is SoilGluTM used for?

SoilGluTM can be used for Surface or Foundation soil treatments which provide soil strengthening solutions that are ideal for residential, trades or commercial use.

Surface (Pour-on) treatments are non-weight bearing with use cases such as:

Foundation (Mix & Compact) treatment are weight bearing with use cases such as:

Interesting Benefits

Application Methods

SoilGluTM has two main application methods depending on which treatment is required: Pour-On or Mix & Compact. Note – we recommend doing a test before large scale applications.

Pour On Application


Use the Pour-On application method when a non-weight bearing surface soil veneer is required. Apply SoilGluTM at 1L per 10m2.

  1. Measure application area (m2)
  2. Calculate SoilGluTM (L) required: 1L SoilGluTM per 10m2
  3. Purchase required product from Prozyme or an authorised distributor
  4. Plan application for clear, dry weather – if forecasted to rain, reschedule application
  5. Collect application equipment
  1. Mix 1L SoilGluTM into 5L Water (1:5)
  2. Pour-On 6L of mixture per 10mof surface area
  3. Clean equipment and work area
  4. Prevent walking or driving on treated area
  5. Reapply using SoilGluTM Pour-On if necessary

Mix & Compact Application

Use the Mix & Compact method when a weight bearing foundation treatment is required. Apply SoilGluTM at a minimum 1% SoilGluTM volume per total treatment volume.
  1. Call Prozyme Technical Support for assistance
  2. Check soil suitability for desired use case
  3. Stop if soil sizing is greater than 8mm
  4. Measure application area (m2)
  5. Determine application depth (mm) (see technical section)
  6. Calculate soil treatment volume (m3, 1m3 = 1000L)
  7. Calculate SoilGluTM (L) required: minimum 1% SoilGluTM v/v application rate
  8. Test SoilGluTM application method under representative conditions
  9. Check & adjust application method for full scale application
  10. Purchase required product from Prozyme or an authorised distributor
  11. Plan application for clear, dry weather – if forecasted to rain, reschedule application
  1. Prepare application equipment
  2. Prewater base layer using 1L SoilGluTM into 10L Water mix (1:10)
  3. Mix 10L SoilGluTM into 50L Water (1:5) per 1m3 of soil volume
  4. Evenly add 60L of mixture to 1m3 of soil assuming minimum 1% application rate
  5. Check and adjust addition of mixture to achieve desired results
  6. Thoroughly compact treated soil
  7. Clean equipment and work area
  8. Prevent walking or driving on treated area until fully dry
  9. Apply SoilGluTM Pour-on if necessary

Drying Time

SoilGluTM drying time depends on the amount of water used in the application and local weather conditions. For foundation treatments, we recommend making a small sample adjacent to the larger application to test for dryness before actively using the new foundation.

In hot weather, extend working times by using a higher ratio of water up to 1:7. In cold weather, shorten drying times using a lower ratio of water down to 1:3.

Clean Up & Storage

Clean all equipment and tools immediately after use using a soft bristle brush and water. For additional protection, pre-apply a lanolin product to equipment or tools for even easier clean-up.

Store SoilGlu™ out of direct sunlight and at room temperature.

Technical Information

The table below is a general recommended application depth guide for the Mix and Compact method based on common use cases.
Normal Vehicles 100mm
Heavy Vehicles 150mm
Normal Vehicles 100mm
Heavy Vehicles 150mm
Pedestrians 50mm
Bicycles 80mm
Steps 100mm

The table below is a general recommended application rate
guide for the Mix and Compact method based on common
soil types and particle sizes.

Fine soils, 0.002 to 0.05mm (clay and silty) 2-3%
Medium fine soils, 0.002 to 2mm (sand, clay, silts) 1-2%
Medium soils, 0.05 to 8mm (gravel, crushed, decomposed) 1-2%
Large soils, 2 to 8mm (aggregates, pea gravel, rocks) 2-3%

Why Choose Us

Scientifically developed

100% environmentally friendly products

Delivery Australia-Wide

Cost-effective and long-lasting

Non-hazardous and non-toxic

Trusted for residential, trades, and commercial use