I started using Gluon before the name change to SoilGlu almost 4 years ago. I created a new sculptural style called Carbonature which is ground charcoal cast into plaster molds mixed with full-strength SoilGlu. The cast human forms are then placed into large Jarrah remnants which have survived forest fires to become sculptures. Many of the works can be seen on my www.carbonature.com website.
I started creating concrete sculptures using Soilglu in a 2/1 ratio just over 2 years ago. I am making a lightweight sculpture using fiber for added strength and creating the sculptures in a freeform style over a welded steel framework. I also use SoilGlu (Gluon) for my surface applications which can be seen at www.perrier.com.au
A few key features are waterproofing, strength, and transparency. The most vital secret is the speed of application in the summer and not allowing too much time to pass before sanding the surface. If too much time is allowed to pass the use of diamond grinders becomes necessary as the cement and Soilglu are set to a hard finish.
We have now created a Sculpture Garden where many of our Carbonature and Concrete sculptures can be seen on our property in Bridgetown.